Initally this website was designed and launched at google sites by 2010-11 Batch students from the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Govt. Engineering College, Hassan - Mr. Manikanth ER, Mr. Manjunath TR, Mr. Navneeth HS, Mr. Yuvaraj AN. It was then redesigned and maintained by Mr. Satish MV, Librarian,GEC Hassan.
Current website deign and content migrations by:
Meghana.S , Samruda and GLUE, Computer Sceince & Engineering, GEC Hassan.
Suppored remotely by Mr. Yogesh K S
Instant editing by Amith S and Prajwal
Supervision and Guidance by:
Dr. K. C. Ravishankar Professor and Head Department of Computer Science and Engineering GEC, Hassan
Mr. M. E. Raghu Associate Professor Department of Computer Science and Engineering GEC , Hassan
Mr. Annaiah H. , Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering GEC , Hassan
Maintained by:
Mr. Annaiah H. , Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering GEC , Hassan